VietnamJournal: Could you tell us how you first got interested in photography?
Thi Dang: My brothers have been into photography for a long time, but I was never interested in it until I found digital photography about 1 1/2 years ago. This new breed of photography really appeals to me for all of its conveniences such as flexibility in post processing, instant photo review, etc.
VietnamJournal: The digital camera was introduced about 12 years ago, but it has become a household name only in the last 5 years or so. It is still a fairly new "appliance" for consumers. This new tool is packed with different behaviors and techniques, yet you seem to be comfortable with it. As the result, it shows clearly in your pictures, the aspect of natural lighting, for examples in "Rudy, The Potter", "Row of Groomsmen", "5" in the Baltimore, MD series. Before or during the time taking pictures, have you had any formal trainings or taking courses in photography?
Thi Dang: I didn't have any formal training in photography, but I have spent a lot of time, maybe too much for my own good, researching about photography on the web. In addition, having some training in Architeture in my past life does help me find unique compositions within many ordinary things that I see around me.
VietnamJournal: You revealed that Canon PowerShot G1 is the camera that you used to take these pictures, is it your first camera?
Thi Dang: My first camera was a cheapo HP Digital camera (PhotoSmart C20). Eventually, I acquired the Canon Powershot G1 (also digital camera) and I've really enjoyed its capabilities ever since.
VietnamJournal: So, how long have you been a photographer?
Thi Dang: I don't think I'm qualified for the "photographer" label, but I started to spend a lot of my spare time learning photography and taking photos about one and a half years ago.
VietnamJournal: Would you also share with us, what brought you to take-up photography?
Thi Dang: Having children was the main reason that brought me to photography. I have taken so many pictures of them that they actually run away every time they see me pointing the camera their way.
VietnamJournal: You must have seen others' pictures, amateurs' as well as professional photographers, have you been inspired by any particular artist/photographer?
Thi Dang: I don't have any particular artist/photographer in mind, but I do find a lot of inspiration from photography works on human behaviour and abstract subjects that can be readily found on the web and books.