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VietNam Journal is an online quarterly magazine. The magazine is created to serve as a forum for students and scholars to present disciplinary and interdisciplinary research findings on a broad range of issues relating to Vietnam and Vietnamese overseas. VietNam Journal embraces the diversity of both academic interests and scholastic expertise. It is hoped that this forum will introduce scholars to the work of their colleagues, encourage discussion both within and across disciplines, and foster a sense of community among those interested in Vietnam. VietNam Journal welcomes you to its issues. Crucial to the success of this publication is your involvement. VietNam Journal wishes to receive your input, your criticisms, and your contributions. Please help us in this challenging endeavor!

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In This Issue
 What's so Chinese about Vietnamese?
by Mark J. Alves
[ This study explores the ways in which Chinese has and has not affected the language spoken by the Vietnamese and their ancestors over two thousand years of language contact in what is an example of borrowing rather than shift. Based on comparative lexical, phonological, morphological, and syntactic evidence, the influence of Chinese, though lexically significant, is best viewed as structurally superficial. This paper demonstrates that, at each linguistic level, Chinese influence is primarily restricted to non-structural aspects of Vietnamese, and the various linguistic elements of Chinese have been fit onto a primarily Southeast Asian and Mon-Khmer linguistic template. ]

 The Emergence of Modern Vietnamese Literature
by Nha-Trang Cong-Huyen Ton-Nu
[ I have found that the most simple and logical way to define modern Vietnamese literature is to identify and describe the features marking its departure from traditional literature which had dominated the Vietnamese cultural sphere for centuries. To begin with, the obvious question is what traditional Vietnamese literature was like. Vietnam is blessed with a very rich corpus of oral literature which has persisted since before written literature made its appearance. However, I will not include it in this discussion, because modern Vietnamese literature represented mainly a breakaway from written literary tradition... ]

 Old Habits Die Hard: Persistent Errors in English Written by Vietnamese Speakers
by Trung-Phap Dam
[ Language educators distinguish two types of errors found in the interlanguages of language learners: developmental and interference. While developmental errors reflect a normal pattern of development common among all language learners, interference errors are caused by the learners' native languages. This paper deals with a number of die-hard types of interference errors found in English written by Vietnamese speakers... ]

 The Vietnamese "Nation" in the Trinh-Nguyen Era ()
by Mark Lim Shan-Loong
[ Marxist historians of the Vietnamese Communist Party, in attempting to legitimise their party's rule, have evoked the glorious traditions of the Vietnamese nation, so as to instil in their people a strong sense of unity. This was to enable their countrymen to tide over the current difficult circumstances and look instead towards the rosy future. Consequently, many of these historians have argued that their nation's roots were entrenched in the distant past, which provided the beginnings for the continual evolution of such a Vietnamese nation... ]

 A New Shirt
by Linh Dinh
[ For as long as I've known him, maybe twenty years, I've always seen him in a black cotton shirt. I assumed he had several, all identical. A man is entitled to wear a black cotton shirt every day of the year if he so chooses. But then I noticed, over and over, that there was a button stitched with a different colored thread... ]

 Superstition: Good or bad?
by Frank Trinh
[ In Asian societies, particularly Vietnamese society, people have a habit of being superstitious, and this has been part of their everyday life. On such occasions as marriages, funerals and moving house, people will try to choose a propitious date. On the Vietnamese New Year, people believe that the first person who visits their home during 'Tet' has a bearing on their welfare for the whole year, and those who sweep the floor on the first three days of this festive occasion might sweep away their wealth... ]

 Good Heart
by James Banerian
[ Nhan climbed out of the family car, a leather briefcase under his arm. He turned toward the edge of the field, then followed the narrow path between two sparse rows of bamboo dotted with golden leaves... ]

 Look out--Here are the Baby Dragons
by Jana McBurney-Lin
[ Halong Bay, located five hours by car from Hanoi, is an emerald-green bay dotted with ink-black limestone peaks like those often seen in calligraphy paintings. It's possible to hire a magical sailboat with expansive wing-like sails which flutters like a giant moth around the peaks. You can spend hours climbing through the different grottos, each of which is accompanied by a fantasy-like story. And, because there are so few others around, you feel like you're one of the few privileged people left on earth to enjoy this mysterious beauty which the Vietnamese believe was a gift from another world... ]

 Literature of Dissent in Viet Nam In the Early '90s
by Dan Duffy
[ Let's review, then move on to literature. Viet Nam is the place south of China where Vietnamese people live, singing their language, and celebrating the days their relatives died. The word for food is rice, the word for land is water, and the word for you is brother. If you remember those things one year from now, you will have got your money's worth from me... ]

 The Twenty-five Year Century: A South Vietnamese General Remembers the Indochina War to the Fall of Saigon
by Lam Quang Thi
[ Victor Hugo, the nineteenth century could be remembered by only its first two years, which established peace in Europe and France's supremacy on the continent. For Gen. Lam Quang Thi, the twentieth century had only twenty-five years: from 1950 to 1975, during which the Republic of Vietnam and its army grew up and collapsed with the fall of Saigon. This is the story of those twenty-five years... ]

 Vietnamese Father Answers American Son: Living With Defeat
by Andrew Lam
[ Recent revelations by former Sen. Bob Kerrey about his role in the death of women and children in Vietnam underscore how that war refuses to go away for America. The Vietnam War is an everyday remembrance for Thi Quang Lam -- one of the four top South Vietnamese generals -- who now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. His son, PNS Associate Editor Andrew Lam, finally mustered the courage to ask his father questions he has had since arriving here 26 years ago... ]

Ho Xuan Huong
Introduced and Translated by John Balaban
[ Ho Xuan Huong was born at the end of the second Le Dynasty (), a period of calamity and social disintegration. Nearly 900 years had elapsed since Ngo Quyen had driven out the Chinese to establish an independent Vietnam modeled, nevertheless, on the Chinese court and its mandarinate... ]

Autumn Landscape
[ Drop by drop rain slaps the banana leaves...Praise whoever sketched this desolate scene... ]

On Sharing a Husband
[ Screw the fate that makes you share a man...One cuddles under cotton blankets; the other's cold...Every now and then, well, maybe or maybe not,... once or twice a month, oh, it's like nothing... ]

[ My body is like the jackfruit on the skin is coarse, my meat is thick....Kind sir, if you love me... ]

Three-Mountain Pass
[ A cliff face. Another. And still a third... Who was so skilled to carve this craggy scene... ]

Weaving at Night
[ Lampwick turned up, the room glows white...The looms moves easily all night long... ]


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