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In This Issue
 Literary Embodiment of Social Moods
Hoang Ngoc Phach’s Novel, TO TAM (1925)
by Nha-Trang Cong-Huyen Ton-Nu
[ Any attempt to use literature as a source of information on the culture and the way of life of a people would seem to have as its basic assumption the often quoted statement that literature is the mirror of society. True as it is, this statement does not quite capture the essence of the relationship between the two. One should not forget that literature does not passively reflect social reality. The relationship is dynamic, not static as suggested by the mirror image. (After all, what we see of ourselves in a mirror is but a pose, a frozen image; not our more natural selves that move and talk) Writers draw their materials from life... ]

 Vietnam's Overseas Trade in the 19th Century: The Singapore Connection
by Li Tana
[ The Nguyen dynasty has long been seen as uniquely "reactionary" in Vietnamese history, and the 19th century as an opportunity lost. Both colonial and Vietnamese nationalist historians held that early 19th century Vietnam kept a Confucian close-the-door policy and that unless pressured by outside forces, it remained static and unchanging. Moreover, this allegedly policy was the source of Vietnam's impoverishment in the nineteenth century... ]

 From Landfall to Achievement
by My-Van Tran
[ Being romantic, I reminisce the years gone by. Twenty five years - a quarter of a century- is a long, long time for anybody. For most Vietnamese Australians, the past 25 years were very dramatic and memorable. Today we 'call Australia home'. Thanks to luck, determination and acceptance from the wider Australian community, we have more than survived in our adopted land. Please just look around and see how far we have come... ]

 Hindsight of an English Language Learner
by Phap Dam
[ I have come a very long way in the process of acquiring American English since the day I was a limited-English-proficient freshman at Miami University in Ohio in the Fall of 1959. But this achievement has been a life-long effort whose beginning stage was quite daunting. I am gratified that my passion for English and a few other foreign languages has turned me into a dedicated language educator at the University of Saigon from 1965 to 1975 and now at Texas Woman's University... ]

 Viet Nam's AO DAI
by Xuan Duong
[ As a parent of adolescent children, who wouldn't experience the pain of their children's fashion sense? I used to shop myself for my children's wear in supermarkets or stores when items were on sale. Usually items bought at the end of summer were for the next summer. The same went for winter wear. Every time I brought home these items my children were jumping for joy, appreciating dad's kindness and care... ]

 Weigh Anchor To Run
by Nguyen Thi Hoang Bac
Translated by N. SaoMai
[ At that midnight, Van woke up, glanced aside and saw his wife, still deeply asleep. The rhythmical breathing --of a serene sleep-- filled him with wonder, and he was, unexpectedly, overflow with emotion. On impulse, though not the least believing in God or heaven, Van tempted to kneel down to express a rather sentiment, the kind of his thanks and gratefulness. But he just couldn't. Most of the thoughts he had in all of his life Van always found them remaining as thoughts in his head. From thinking to acting, a normal logic, Van scarcely caught himself going through... ]

 A Family Story
by Le Minh Ha
Translated from the Vietnamese by Vo Dinh Mai
[ In bed at night, my husband is not unlike a child who must fumble with mummy's breasts a little before falling off to sleep. Once, caressing me, he asked, with much surprise and concern in his voice: What's this? Feels like a longan pit... - That's a tumor, dearest. I've had a biopsy. It's cancer. They'll operate next month... ]

 You Must Live
by Khai Hung
Translated from the Vietnamese by Truc Huy
[ The dam of Yen-Phu, one summer afternoon... It was the beginning of the rising, and the waters of the Red River were so tumultuous that they seemed to be on the point of swirling away the small island in the middle of the riverbed. Tree trunks and dead branches, torn away from the forest, floated adrift in the middle of a current of reddish water and formed like a continuous chain of small boats slipping at full speed toward an unknown destination... ]

 Nguyen Huy Thiep's "Vang Lua" and the Nature of Intellectual Dissent in Contemporary Vietnam
by Peter Zinoman
[ There is something unusual about the depth of emotion vented in debates over the work of Nguyen Huy Thiep. In a disapproving assessment of Thiep's quasi-historical fable "Vang Lua," the historian Ta Ngoc Lien remarks, "While I would not go so far as to consider this writer sick, his are not the ideas of a healthy and wholesome mind."... ]

 Fired Gold - Vang Lua
by Nguyen Huy Thiep
Translation by Peter Zinoman
 Nguyen Dinh Tham: Studies on Vietnamese Language and Literature: A Preliminary Bibliography
by David G. Marr
[ During the Vietnam War, tens of millions of dollars were spent by the U.S. government on surveys, interviews, field studies, and documentary translations, all designed to inform the higher government echelons about the Vietnamese enemy and the immediate sociopolitical context in which the conflict was being waged... ]

 The Song For LIBERTY
by Xuan Duong
[ Carving your name... on the flying birds' wings... high in the windy sky... on the swords on the guns... that are invading our celebration... on the young painful lips... in the innocent blue eyes... ]

 After The Year 2000
by Thanh-Thanh
[ AFTER two thousand, we will be still alive,...And so will other animals and worms...There still will be vegetables and germs,... And mundane life as ever, rain or shine... ]

by Ho Xuan Huong
Translated from the Vietnamese by John Balaban
[ Praise whoever raised these poles...for some to swing while others watch...A boy pumps, then arcs his back... ]

by Barbara Tran
[ From outside Church, I could see the priest shielding the candle as he approached the altar. I wondered about all the whiteness inside, how the slightest amount of color could pollute it all, something Mother repeated to Sister Eight time and again as they embroidered together. The thread needed to be tested, washed first, before it was drawn into cloth... ]

by Barbara Tran
[ After the mynah bird's tongue was split open by the chili peppers he fed it, after the rough outer layer of its tongue peeled off, after it finally did what he commanded, after the bird gave in and cawed, Speak, stupid, speak, morning after morning, Uncle Five would have given anything to return it to its original ignorant state... ]


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