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VietNam Journal

VietNam Journal is an online quarterly magazine. The magazine is created to serve as a forum for students and scholars to present disciplinary and interdisciplinary research findings on a broad range of issues relating to Vietnam and Vietnamese overseas. VietNam Journal embraces the diversity of both academic interests and scholastic expertise. It is hoped that this forum will introduce scholars to the work of their colleagues, encourage discussion both within and across disciplines, and foster a sense of community among those interested in Vietnam. VietNam Journal welcomes you to its issues. Crucial to the success of this publication is your involvement. VietNam Journal wishes to receive your input, your criticisms, and your contributions. Please help us in this challenging endeavor!
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All electronic documents available on VietNam Journal are, unless otherwise noted, the copyright of the authors and/or the organization sponsoring the documents. Permission to reproduce or publish copyrighted text or images must be obtained from Vietnam Journal and the copyright holder.
The views expressed in VietNamJournal are solely those of the authors and do not represent the views of VietNamJournal or its editors. Questions, comments, and original contributions should be addressed to the . |
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